Game Show

On the Right Track

35 seasons 13x60'
1987 - Present
All aboard for a 1st-class format taking us around the world!

On the Right Track is an exciting, entertaining and educational quiz show that has been keeping the Swedish viewers glued to their TV's every Friday night since 1987!  It's truly an institution and with its clever humour, exciting travels and plenty of surprises - we can see why.

Two celebrity teams compete against each other on three separate journeys filmed from the front of a train (or a car, or bus) to identify the destination, using visual clues from the video, and of course additional clues from the host. Bringing you the whole world with video train travel footage, local music and amusing anecdotes.

The clues, which often include puns and far-fetched word play, get progressively easier as the train approaches its destination, and the number of points awarded for a correct answer accordingly declines. After each journey ends, both teams answer questions related to the destination city, and collect more points.

The house band gives us clues by playing a mash-up of hits related to the destinations and the questions dealing with the places we go to. The two most successful teams compete in the season finale. 

International versions

Country Broadcaster Seasons and Episodes
Finland YLE 1 Season 7x75'
Norway TV Norge/WarnerBrosDiscovery 2 Seasons 15x30'